Mormon Civil War

CvP 8B Christians v Pharisees: Choosing Sides And How To Fight For Them In The Mormon Civil War EPISODE 8B - MY LETTER TO THE FIRST PRESIDENCY APPEALING MY EXCOMMUNICATION

Peter Bleakley Season 1 Episode 15

If you could write a letter to the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that they were obliged to actually read instead of just forwarding it to your Stake President to deal with without reading it as they usually do, what would YOU want to put in it?  This is a vanishingly rare, once in a lifetime opportunity for a faithful Latter-day Saint.  The high price of this privilege is excommunication, so it needs to be worth it to pay that much! 

I was giddy with excitement when my Stake President formally invited me to write to the First Presidency if I wished to appeal against his decision to excommunicate me.  There is so much I want them to know about our real experiences, and the havoc they are wreaking upon my family and the Church in my country.   Whoever it is that does wind up reading it, I determined that they will be taken on a mind expanding journey!  And if Presidents Nelson, Oaks or Eyring do actually read it, you can rest assured that they HAVE been told.  They have been told precisely what they are getting wrong that is crashing the Church’s active membership and credibility with the next generation. They have been told what they could do to save the Church.  They have been invited to retire or radically reform.  And they have been invited to answer the 3 simple questions my CES Director Stake President has repeatedly refused or been unable to answer, and excommunicated me for publicly asking.  In a gripping sequel to Jeremy Runnells’ ‘Letter to a CES Director’, MY letter to a CES Director is now a ‘Letter to the First Presidency.’  ...I’ve become a bit competitive since being cast into Outer Darkness as a dangerous apostate!

Pop your popcorn, slurp on a caffeinated soda and enjoy the ride intrepid listeners!